Secret Podcast
In 10 stappen meer Nederlands spreken
Hee lieve โexpatโ in Nederland.ย
You understand a lot of Nederlands, but when it comes to speaking there’s something blocking you – something that feels like The Big Freeze. You know the words, but the moment a Dutchie starts talking to you the words don’t come out. And so you mumble ‘uhhh Engels alsjeblieft?’ and switch to English.
And that feels bluhhh, toch? Especially after putting in so much time and energy in taking Dutch courses. But you know what: you’re not alone. So many of my students have the same struggle. It’s my expertise to help you to break this English-Dutch-English cycle and to go from ‘scared-to-speak’ to ‘kick-ass-confident’ in Dutch!
You have come to the right place to set de eerste stap (the first step) to speaking more Dutch in your daily life.ย
I created a special podcast for you with my 10-stappenplan to finally start speaking Nederlands!
It’s aimed at speaking Dutch at your child’s school (voor internationale ouders met kinderen op een Nederlandse school) but this stappenplan is also very applicable to other situations that require you to speak Dutch.ย
So that you can participate in your child’s school, speak with collega’s at lunch or with the buren with more confidence (zelfvertrouwen)ย – zoals jij dat wilt!
Stap voor stap. Step by step. ๐งก
Download the video here. ๐๐ผ
โAfter signing up I will send you awesome and exclusive Dutch inspiration to your inbox every weekโ

What's in it for me?
In 20 minutes you'll learn the 10 steps to start speaking Dutch (specifically aimed at school situations but also very applicable to other daily situations)
After signing up you'll receive the video in your inbox, with unlimited access to it.
In easy to understand Nederlands (startlevel A2) with translation in English for some parts.
Go from 'overwhelm OMG I will never speak Dutch' to 'Jaaaa ik kan dit!'

Hoi hoi!
Mijn naam is Mariska en ik ben docent Nederlands (NT2) sinds 2013. Ik heb al honderden studenten geholpen hun spreekangst te overwinnen (to overcome their fear to speak Dutch).
De taal leren is รฉรฉn ding. Maar het ook ECHT (really) spreken is iets heel anders. Hier komt een stuk mindset bij.ย
Want ons brein๐ vindt het eng (scary) als we niet begrijpen wat er wordt gezegd. Ons brein wil veiligheid (safety). Daarom blijf je liever in het Engels spreken.
En dat is handig (useful), zeker in Nederland. Maar ook irritant (annoying), na X jaar hier. Toch?
Het kost tijd en energie om dat te veranderen (change). Maar dat hoef je niet alleen te doen. Jou daarmee helpen vind ik het leukste wat er is! (Helping you achieve this is what I enjoy the most.)
Ik heb een enorme dosis geduld (patience) en humor om jou te helpen eindelijk Nederlands te SPREKEN.
Je bent niet te oud om te leren. Het is niet te laat. Jij kan Nederlands spreken.
Maar laat mij je helpen.ย

Wanneer start dit?
As soon as you leave your name and emailadres belowย you will receive the video to your inbox – for free. I will also send you more tips and inspiration in the weeks to come on how to speak more Dutch in your daily life.ย
Because speaking Dutch is not a one time thing.
It goes step by step (stap voor stap) and I’m here to in guide you along the way!ย
You’ll keep unlimited access to the podcast.ย
Ben jij klaar voor (ready for) de volgende stap in je Nederlandse-taalavontuur?
โAfter signing up I will send you awesome and exclusive Dutch inspiration to your inbox every weekโ