Welkom in Nederland.
Are you new to the Dutch learning journey?
You’ve come to the right spot!
I created the free Dutch Survival Guide to help you to kickstart your Dutch learning adventure. It will give you the tools you need when you first arrive in The Netherlands, or when you’ve decided it’s time to learn some Dutch (YAY awesome!).
The goal of this ebook is to make you feel comfortable, and help you understand what’s happening around you in this wonderful—but also very peculiar and tiny—country. 🧡
It the ebook you find useful phrases (ordering in a restaurant, vocabulary in the supermarket, asking for help etc.), five important things to know about the Dutch and an overview of the national holidays and traditions.
You can download the free ebook here. 👇🏼
‘After signing up I will send you awesome and exclusive Dutch inspiration to your inbox every week’

I'm a beginner, can I learn Dutch with you?
Superleuk that you found me!
With the Dutch Speaking Academy I help expats in The Netherlands to feel more confident when speaking Dutch. My courses focus on people who have reached a solid A2 level or higher.
But everyone has to start at the beginning, toch?
That's why I created the perfect course for you to get you started:
The Beginners Course! (sexy name hè? ;) )
In this course you'll learn everything you need to know to get to level A1+.
You can check out the course here on the website or simply start with the free ebook and I will tell you about it a little later. 🧡

Hoi hoi!
Mijn naam is Mariska en I’m a Dutch teacher for adults (NT2) sinds 2013. My expertise is to help people to overcome their fear of speaking Dutch, because this language can be a little daunting, toch?
The key is to start speaking as soon as you start learning.
I have a lot of patience and with my light way of teaching I hope to inspire you to keep things light and positive in your learning process.
Start learning now and take it step by step!

How can I download this ebook?
Simply fill in your name and emailadres below and you will receive the ebook to your inbox – for free.
I will also send you more tips and inspiration in the weeks to come on how to learn more Dutch.
‘After signing up I will send you awesome and exclusive Dutch inspiration to your inbox every week’